Our Past. Our Present. Our Future.


It’s the company’s heritage that makes us unique. Over a hundred years of innovation and dedication to see beyond nature’s obstacles. To discover and realize its vast rewards that have supported generations of family members, and will continue to do so for future generations.

A collaboration of innovators with vision, and the patience of the wise, that understood the inherent beauty of the land and potential reward that the Suwannee Forest held.

And through that understanding has come a story. A story of men establishing a long and fruitful relationship with this beautiful forest, a story that continues to this day. The Superior Pine Story.


In the mid – late 1800s, the first lumber companies in the U.S. were moving down into Southern Georgia from Savannah and Louisiana. Large manufacturing companies were buying huge expanses of rural land and clear cutting for the pine product used in multiple applications, including paper making.

Around this same time, Paper Makers Chemicals was getting started in Pennsylvania and Michigan. Paper Makers Chemicals was a collaborative partnership between the principal partners - the Knight Family, the Lawrence family and the Williams family - to manufacture improved sizing for paper manufacturing – Rosin size.

In the mid-1920s, the three principals organized Superior Pine as a subsidiary of Paper Makers Chemicals. Shortly after, in 1931, Paper Makers Chemical was sold to Hercules Powder Co. but Superior Pine was retained by the principal families. Around this time, Oettmeier was employed originally as a forester for the Company and later became President. Since that time, the company has continued to benefit from the leadership from descendants of these principals.

It’s this heritage and legacy that defines Superior Pine. We cherish this history and the time worn innovations that have made us who we are. And we will continue on with this legacy – borrowing lessons from our ancestors as we teach future generations to care for our great land.

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We continue to work on alternative income streams that include recreational leases that not only provide hunting opportunities but also access to the natural beauty of this part of the world while promoting sustainability. In addition, we have just started our first pine straw raking operation with plans for startups of additional crews as time progresses. Also, into the future, we plan to harvest palmetto berries that provide multiple health benefits to many people while also focusing on environmental entities such as carbon and solar projects.

Some our main efforts will focus on growth of our assets in the Southeastern U.S. through land acquisitions that enhance the value of our current ownership. We’re excited about the possibilities that our Company brings to the table and look forward to this long term growth strategy.

The Women of Superior Pine

“Fargo was rough. It was known for that. We had a killing every Saturday night. We would hear pounding and know that they were building another coffin. We care about this land and our part in it, but it wasn’t always easy.”

- Mrs. Mildred Oettmeier, Wife to CEO William Oettmeier Sr. - 1932-1974

“This company is six generations of family leadership, and we have a close relationship with those founding families. They have a love of the land and forest, and that’s important.

I lived 35 years on this rural land in Fargo, GA, while my husband led this company as CEO. We raised our kids here. It was hard. It was lonely. I learned the importance of being good friends with your husband during those years. We hunted together, fished together…. well, Bill fished and I read a book. BUT, we learned to enjoy being together.”

- Mrs. Patricia Oettmeier, Wife to CEO William Oettmeier Jr. - 1974-2006

A Legacy of Leadership

Did you know? Mrs. Patricia Oettmeier, wife of CEO Bill Oettmeier, served as Fargo, GA first Mayor from 1998-2005.